Stories and Thoughts

Sunshine and Rain - Thoughts
John Francis
(Rated: NC-17)
The Plane and Sequel
(Rated: NC-17 MATURE

Other's Stories

These are FanFic sites and stories written by gifted authors, many of whom I am proud to call my friends.

Steph's Space
Stephanie features either of the Dynamic Duo in her touching and steamy tales...

Starr's Fantasies
Starr's stories center around Jon, but Richie and David have steamy cameo appearances with their own girls...

Joviswoman's Little World
Gail's stories. She's an equal opportunity Jovi lover. You'll find stories about Jon, Richie, Jon and Richie, Tico, and David here.

The Goddess Hathor
A collection of Hath's own stories, and links to many more

Stories featuring Jon Bon Jovi
The Sauna (Opester - My Muse!)
Home (Tara Leigh)
The Layover (Jillianne)